About the Creators


Birth Place: California, USA

Lives In: Washington, USA
Family: Parents
Education: Masters student (Elementary Education)
Overseas Experience: Visited Mexico; spent two weeks in Iwata, Japan; and studied abroad at Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea for ten months from 2009-2010; Layover in Osaka, Japan
Language Experience: English (native), Korean (high beginner), Japanese (beginner), Chinese (false beginner), Thai (false beginner), Spanish (false beginner)

  • Is a cat person, but also likes dogs
  • Blood type is type A
  • Moved seven times in elementary school
  • Has known Velexa since 1999
  • Has worked in more than ten places
  • Before liking Korea, was in love with Japan. While he still likes Japan, he wants to learn more about Korea, then learn about/visit China, Taiwan, and Thailand before returning to Japan
  • He wishes he had traveled more while in Korea.
  • Likes cute things and Disney movies
  • Has five tattoos and seven piercings
  • Enjoys drawing


Birth Place: California, USA
Lives In: California, USA
Family: mom, dad, half-sister, step-mom, aunt
Job: Elementary School teacher in South Korea
Education: Master’s in Library Science
Overseas Experience: Jamaica for about ten days; Osaka, Japan for a layover; Study abroad at Yonsei University in Seoul, South Korea for ten months from 2009-2010, Teaching in Youngdeok, South Korea August 2012 – March 2013, European Cruise in May 2014
Language Experience: English (native), Korean (low intermediate), Chinese (beginner), Spanish (high beginner), Japanese (beginner), Thai (False beginner), German (false beginner-haagendaaz), Italian (false beginner)

  • Is a dog person
  • Lived in the same house for eighteen years, first move was for college
  • Was the first to be introduced to Korean music – was told by a coworker to look up the letters “DBSK,” has it tattooed on her
  • Doesn’t know her blood type, Redeim thinks it’s B
  • Loves Disney movies
  • Loves Christmas and dresses the part
  • It was her half-sister’s division that was followed by the producers of CSI
  • Good at puns
  • Got swine flu at the end of October while in Korea
  • Has many tattoos and four piercings

Facts About Both of Us:

  • We have the same taste (if not very similar taste) in men
  • Even though Velexa is younger, she’s more of a leader than Redeim.  Normally Velexa will make the plans, and Redeim will follow.
  • Although the titles are different, Velexa and Redeim were practically in the same major when going to college (the first time around for Redeim, who didn’t graduate then), and both of us had planned to become English teachers after we graduated.
  • Velexa and Redeim’s parents lived literally a minute away from each other. Velexa and Redeim lived together on and off from August 2009 until around 2015.
  • Many people who knew both of us would get surprised when we meet them alone, we were usually a unit. That, however, changed as we got older.
  • Velexa has a better memory. She can learn names, faces, and languages faster than Redeim
  • We were just a little obsessed with Got7 when we made this.

Disclaimer: All images and information © their rightful owners. Unless stated otherwise, all images and information not from us.

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