B.A.P is back and they have No Mercy

B.A.P. is back with “No Mercy” and to say I’m excited would be an understatement.  This song is AWESOME and since it’s B.A.P, we’re back with the derps!

I wasn’t so sure about YoungJae’s hair at first, because I tend to like guys with longer hair, but the more I look at it, the more I love it.

My tongue needs to be on DaeHyun’s neck.  That’s a fact.

HimChan, the lip wipe?  Why are you doing this to me?  Hnnnnnng~~~

Yongguk and baseball bats are quickly becoming an OTP for me.  That man becomes infinitely hotter when holding one.

I love the cornrows on Yongguk!  They’re so hot!!!  Excuse me; I just slipped off my chair.

Happy fangirl dance!!!!

Last Yongguk blurb.  I could stare at his mouth for ages.  It’s perfect.

Now here comes my Zelo bias.  Why would I go to jail for that boy?  Because he’s so frickin’ cute looking all fabulous with his hands on his hips and those horns…. Just kill me so I can have my Zelo already.

I’m not sure if you guys know but I am a diehard Michael Jackson fan, so my lovely Zelo doing a dance tribute to MJ made me so excited.  I don’t care how illegal those hips are, I need them.

This was the first time B.A.P tried to do sexy with their dance, and indeed, those hips were naiiiiiice.  Here’s a close up of Yongguk and his hips.  Yummy.

I also love the popping that goes along with “boom clap” so hot.  I enjoy this MV entirely too much.

Did B.A.P. give you No Mercy?

B.A.P has some serious Power

B.A.P.!!!  “Power” is so awesome, all I can say is…. VdsbjzmkaJjmvocs kdvzsdbljkhdbsjdsn bebvlewaui eaqoofl hwuhm qroaled gaw lgfvdw elif.  Now that that is out of my system I can reintroduce you to the derpband!!!!  Let’s herp some derps!

Hopefully you all know that the B.A.P. members are aliens from another planet, well we can now see they crash-landed and are so pissed about it that they just have to dance.

Let’s talk about HimChan.  Everyone remembers his crazy eyes in “Warrior” right?  Well Crazy Eyes HimChan is back as everyone expected it; he did not fail to deliver.  (By the way, make Crazy Eyes HimChan something official; it can be his cowboy name or something).

I love the tattoos in this MV.  They’re hot.  Can you say Cheetos?  Also, that body wave thing he does is pretty smexy.

DaeHyun is looking pretty dirty and sexy here.  Along with his talent for singing, he’s shaping up to look mighty fine.

Next is YoungJae.  I loved the half shaved head, it suits him, and I also really like that slow lip wipe.  That made my ovaries do the happy dance.

One more thing about YoungJae, you may or may not know about his baby fat incident where fans talked about his baby fat, but what about his arms?  Who cares about baby fat, his arms are GORGEOUS!!! (Please excuse the derp, this is B.A.P. what were you expecting?)

Smack that ass!  I totally approve, and Bang is totally into it.  Smack it harder!!!

Lastly: ZELO!!!!!!  You all should know my Zelo bias and how willing I am to go to jail for that boy, so here’s an onslaught of Zelo pictures.  Enjoy, I know I do.





I have three dance gifs, all for different parts of the song.  I’ll try to label them.  As for car dancers, during the chorus take both hands, ball them into fists, raise them up and down twice on beat then take your foot off the gas or brake pedal to symbolize jumping.  Rinse and repeat.  Please do this at your own risk, not car crashes please.  I do suggest it though, it’s fun for you AND your passengers.

The chorus dance I explained

During the “hate you” part

During the butt smack, teasing part

Did you get Power from B.A.P?

Baby I’m Sorry, B1A4

So I’m a little pissed about this song, I didn’t even know it was here, I’m sorry B1A4, you guys know how much I love you.  I was so busy I didn’t know you came out with a new MV.  With that said, let’s start the perving!

First things first, Baro and GongChan are looking like B.A.P members.  I’m not trying to show my B.A.P. bias, but look at these pictures.  Baro looks like Bang in “Never Give Up” and GongChan looks like he belongs in the B.A.P. MV with his blonde hair and slightly derped face.  Guess who is who!

BTW the first pic was Bang, second Baro

I don’t care much about the lyrics, but they’re about these guys being sorry that they broke up with you and they want you back.  The more pressing issue is that girl. Her face actually scares me.  It just doesn’t look like it should be that way, her eyes are too far apart and it’s just….. No, I don’t like it.

She just doesn't look right....

Every band needs a red head, have some sexy JinYoung.

Let’s insert the biggest CNU bias I’ve ever known me to have.  EVER.  His hair, down… I can’t even…..  Just no…. And spikes…. My words apparently can become less coherent….

Baro, what is on your head? Also, I think I will be conferring ChunJi’s wink condition onto Baro, because he can’t seem to avoid that twitch in his eye.  I am unsure about the testosterone part though.  I believe it takes a little bit of time before the winks cause you to lose testosterone but if he keeps it up, Baro might be next

Also, the continuation of Harry Potter themes.  They had the Harry Potter glasses in “Beautiful Target” and “O.K.” and here Baro rocks the Harry Potter scar. Again, that twitch…

So, how was B1A4’s apology?  Do you forgive them?

B.A.P. Discography

See their member profiles here.

Korean Mini-Albums

Release Date: January 26, 2012

Track List:

  1. Burn It Up
  2. Warrior
  3. Unbreakable
  4. 비밀 연애 (Secret Love) (Featuring Secret’s Song JiEun)

B.A.P. (Best, Absolute, Perfect)



Summary: B.A.P. (Best, Absolute, Perfect) is a six member boy group that debuted on January 26, 2012.  The members include Bang YongGuk, Kim HimChan, Jung DaeHyun, Yoo YoungJae, and Moon JongUp, and Zelo (Choi JunHong).  They debuted as a hip-hop group and also had a special on a TV Show called “Ta-Dah It’s B.A.P.!” Find their discography here.

Okay, I’ll keep it simple: Velexa and I have loved Bang since he had his solo.  Then he had a comeback and brought Zelo with him and even though Zelo’s born in 1996, (the jailbait alarm has. Been. Freaking. Rung.) We still loved Bang and loved Zelo (At the time, Velexa probably more than I).  Now that they’ve debuted with the four other members, I have no clue who’s who besides Bang and Zelo (not gonna lie).  Immediately, Velexa and I absolutely adored Warrior, and we also love their other songs on the album and can’t wait for them to have a comeback even though they only recently stopped promoting for a slower-beat song called “Secret Love.”

Member Profiles


some more lip porn for Velexa

Birth Name: Bang YongGuk
Birth Date: March 31, 1990
Birth Place: Incheon, South Korea
Family: Older Twin Brother, Older Sister, Parents

  • In 2008, he was a member of an underground hip-hop group called “Soul Connection” under the name Jepp Blackman
  • His hobbies are basketball, baseball, writing songs, and writing lyrics
  • His bunny is red
  • His ideal girl is virtuous
  • He looks up to 1TYM’s Teddy, and cites American rappers such as 50 cent, P.Diddy, and Pharrell as  his musical influences
  • He participated in composing all of the songs on their debut album
  • He’s claimed to have a cologne that smells like ramen
  • In “Ta-Dah It’s B.A.P.” his role was an alien who was a military legend on his home planet.  He loves Earth’s war movies and is convinced the answers to all of life’s questions reside in them.


Birth Name: Kim HimChan
Birth Date: April 19, 1990
Birth Place: Seoul, South Korea
Family: Older Sister, Parents

  • Never had to pay tuition for middle or high school, he graduated on full scholarship
  • His bunny is pink
  • Made many different appearances in music videos before debut, including fellow band mates Bang & Zelo’s song “Never Give Up” and label mate Secret’s music videos “Shy Boy” and “Starlight Moonlight.”
  • Likes spicy radishes
  • His ideal woman is a kind woman
  • Studied traditional music in high school
  • A fan once bought him a magic wand, he later took selcas with Zelo and the wand
  • Secret’s HyoSung is his ideal girl because she has motherly qualities
  • In “Ta-Dah! It’s B.A.P.” he is an alien commander; whenever he expresses an idea, it’s always shot down by Bang or YoungJae.


Birth Name: Jung DaeHyun
Birth Date: June 28, 1993
Birth Place: Busan, South Korea
Family: Older brother, Parents

  • Was the last member to join, he trained for two years and trained with B.A.P. for seven months
  • Isn’t very smart, but has always been a nice and optimistic kid
  • He’s interested in getting closer with fans
  • His bunny color is white
  • He was once mistaken for Bang by a fan
  • He speaks with a heavy Pusan dialect
  • In “Ta-Dah! It’s B.A.P.” he plays a spy/observer of the squad and is often seen just observing the rest of the group.  He landed in Pusan, which is why he speaks the dialect


Birth Name: Yoo YoungJae
Birth Date: January 24, 1994
Birth Place: Seoul, South Korea
Family: Older Brother, Parents

  • Placed first in a JYP audition and was a JYP trainee, but he contacted TS Entertainment and got accepted there
  • His bunny color is yellow
  • His ideal woman is someone who likes him a lot
  • He admires Musiq Soulchild
  • His nickname is Brain
  • In “Ta-Dah! It’s B.A.P.” he is the “brain” of the group, and he believes they can take over the world by being respectful (much to Bang’s disagreement).  He holds a grudge against any member that shuts down his ideas and is often seen at the electronics store in his spare time.


Birth Name: Moon JongUp
Birth Date: February 6, 1995
Birth Place: Seoul, South Korea
Family: Two older brothers, Parents

  • Appeared in label mate Secret’s music videos “Shy Boy” and “Starlight Moonlight,” as well as band mates Bang & Zelo’s music video “Never Give Up.”
  • His bunny color is green
  • He admires Chris Brown
  • His nickname is Dance ShinDong
  • He doesn’t have a specific ideal type
  • In “Ta-Dah! It’s B.A.P.” he is an alien that doesn’t have much thought, and is almost always exercising or dancing.  To DaeHyun’s confusion, JongUp is always smiling and never complains, even when he’s sent on errands.


Birth Name: Choi JunHong
Birth Date: October 15, 1996
Birth Place: Seoul, South Korea
Family: Older brother, Parents

  • Tried to get into several music companies but kept being rejected because of his age
  • He wanted to be a soccer player in elementary school
  • He claims once he started music, soccer got boring
  • Cites 50 cent, P.Diddy, and Pharrell, and admires Kanye West and Will.i.am
  • His bunny color is blue
  • His nickname is (was???) 15-year-old genius
  • His ideal type is someone who is good at English and has a pretty smile (S.E.S. Eugene)
  • His stage name comes from “Zelos,” the Greek god of rivalry, named because of how hard he works amongst the others
  • His hobby is skateboarding
  • In “Ta-Dah! It’s B.A.P.” Zelo plays a sex robot created by Bang during their “Bang & Zelo” promotions to help him take over the world.  DaeHyun is convinced he’s dangerous because he was designed by Bang.  He has the tendency to “shut down” randomly.